Intermission 1 - Mt Shasta and Bend

Once in Bend, we went over to the local Fred Meyers. As Bend is by far a much larger city than anything else I had set foot in over the past few months, this experience was overwhelming. We decided to make the most of this time together, however, and enjoyed cooking for each other, as well as ordering meals we had been dreaming about every day on the PCT.

I also had the pleasure of meeting Morgan, of Blaze Physio, who crashed with us for a bit, and was also reunited with Dobby. As I had shipped out my resupply and was ready to start hiking again, however, I soon said goodbye.

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My shopping cart for multiple resupplies
My shopping cart for multiple resupplies
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Magma, Floss, and Shapes packing up our resupply boxes in Bend
Magma, Floss, and Shapes packing up our resupply boxes in Bend
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Velcro, Little Hamster, and Morgan chilling while we pack up
Velcro, Little Hamster, and Morgan chilling while we pack up
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Cooking in the backyard
Cooking in the backyard

Little Hamster graciously drove myself, Floss, Magma, and Shapes to Timberline Lodge, dropping Floss off at Government Camp on the way, where we once again restarted our hike northbound.